Interview for Piano Lessons for Students.
When you contact Soller Piano, we will set up a time to meet informally. Dr. Soller interviews perspective students and families for many reasons. Two of those reasons are to make your child as comfortable as possible for his or her first lesson and for you to determine that Dr. Soller is the right fit for your family.
Questions you may wish to ask any potential music teacher concerns the teacher’s educational background and training, how lessons are taught, how tuition is collected, what events are offered, and any other questions that might fit your family needs. And Dr. Soller encourages you to bring your own.
Students coming to interviews who are transfer students should bring their most recent music, their music assignment book, certificates, and critique sheets from any events, and be prepared to play in a very informal setting.
At the interview, Dr. Soller reviews the Soller Studio Policy which includes tuition fees and its pay structure.